
Monday, November 10, 2014

Year 8 Marsden Bay Camp 2014

Marsden Bay Camp 2014
Last week our year 8’s travelled up north to Marsden Bay Christian Camp. We were all excited to see what the campgrounds were going to look like and what exciting things we were going to do throughout the week. Like me, everyone arrived at school grinning from ear to ear.

When we finished loading the bus with our gear we all got on and got ready to leave. Waving goodbye to our parents as we left , I felt very lucky because I got to do no work for a whole week and instead hang out with my friends.  When we were on the road still on our way to Marsden Bay,  my friends and I ate some lollies. Once we hopped off the bus we saw that we were at a beach. We all thought that we were going for a swim but instead we were going to go for a long walk.

The walk was really tiring but the view was incredible. The track was really muddy and some people slipped, but luckily nobody got hurt.  As soon as we reached the end it brought us to a long road with nowhere to rest but luckily there was a patch of grass. We all had lunch and then walked down the road and to our astonishment another beach awaited. We all got to have a long and good rest. Some of us also got to go for a swim and hang out with our friends.  

Finally we arrived at Marsden Bay Camp.  Our bus drove into the camp grounds everyone looked out the window and saw a really big flying fox as well as a waterslide. Everybody was really excited, they all wanted to go on it on the first day. When we hopped off the bus we unloaded our gear and placed near the deck. The moment we finished unloading the bus we immediately ran to our cabins.

As soon as we had unpacked everyone had free time. A lot of our year eight’s went to play on the volleyball court while some of my friends and I played basketball in the hall. We were all very excited for a week off school and just a week of fun. I hope every week could be like camp.